Things are hopping here. I have been measuring, sawing, cutting, sanding and gluing.
Back in the late fall I began really looking at painting out of doors again. It's called Plein Air painting these days. Something I haven't done for more years than I will admit to publicly. I painted beautiful mental paintings everywhere I went.
I no longer had the equipment for it.
When I checked out prices on the net it was very much a case of "be still my heart". I thought to myself, there is nothing a bright intelligent woman can't do. So I told myself to get right to it!
Then added into the mix, I suddenly found myself painting everywhere, at friend's places, and dragging around a pile of supplies that choke a horse or something even bigger. And of course, no one lived next door. The next town yes, the next city, yes. Oh ... my aching back
Clearly something had to be done to save me from myself. I did a great deal of research on online.
I remembered I had a long thinnish wooden cigar box with a handle somebody gave me years ago. At least I think it was a cigar box in it’s first life.
I had the makings. A bit of this and a bit of that, Stuff that has been hanging around here forever. All I had to do was dig it out.
Spent one evening scraping of the heavily glued in plastic cigar holders off. Next evening, sanding things back down.
Yesterday off to Home Depot. I found a piece of thin non glare Plexiglas with the help of a woman artist (we’re everywhere you know) who works there part time.

Cutting it wasn't quite as simple as I was led to believe but I did it. Found some gray paper to stick under the glass to help visual tonal relationships.
Last night I took apart a box that had this lovely white plastic paint tube holder which will hold spare paint because I lost the daily medicine dose pill dispenser I bought for a dollar at the dollar store. I’ll probably get another one.
Today, I made the brush holders from velcro.
It’s tickety boo ... Small wet canvases can be carried in a pizza box hot glued to the lid for traveling, an idea I got from Leslie Saeta.
I’m really determined to to not cover this car in oil paint.
Total cost: $9.35 CAD
Saved: about $400.00 + USD after customs, taxes, shipping and handling, currency exchange etc
Saved: one back
And of course, I’m painting now ...
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