30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 30 - Not Forgotten
On November 11th, 2015 I attended the Remembrance Day Ceremonies in Alliston. I was incredibly moved then and I still am.
There were all kinds of todays’ military there, school children, and veterans of all ages and stripes.
Before the ceremony began a huge, Commemorative larger than life mural, commissioned by the local Royal Canadian Legion Alliston, Branch 171, painted by Greg Hindle and his artist wife, Susan Hindle, was unveiled by two Canadian Afghan veterans.
When the soldiers dropped the tarps there was a heart felt Ah... from everyone present, then a collective silence.
In that moment, and since I’ve thought about remembrance and art, because I realized painting, in particular, and art in general, touches the human heart of us in ways that can not be measured in dollars and cents.
There wasn’t anyone among who did not recognize that we saw and felt something so intimate, so personal yet collectively we felt as one.
That does not happen everyday.
After the ceremony proper was concluded, ( Alliston did her sons and daughters proud that day ) all the school children clamoured to have their pictures taken sitting front of the 158 painted poppies.

Those kids ran up and plunked themselves down wanting and demanding to be part of something bigger than themselves.
Art did that.

Here’s today’s treasure:
Alice Edwards 1949 --
Not forgotten
8” x 10”
Oil on stretched canvas
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