30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 28
This inventing people has got to stop. I sit down with a small drawing of someone and arise with a painting of someone else. The small drawings are a jumping off point
The spirits are pushy some days. Days like this make me wonder just who is driving the paint brushes.
They aren't bad days. Just days where the question of who is in charge nags.
Take today. I have no idea where the red earrings came from but they had to go in. And not just any shade would do. Nothing but that glorious red.
When I was a kid my father told my mother to dress me in red so they could always pick me out of a crowd. It wasn't so bad in the cool true reds. They had a cool blue under tone. I felt pretty good in that.
But sometimes, they would go off the rails and I would wind up in warm reds that were yellow based
I didn't feel good in those shades but money didn't go on trees in our back yard. My mother being a frugal woman would buy it a size big.
Those were the years I couldn't grow fast enough to get out of those colours. Sometimes I had to wear them for what felt like forever. Maybe two plus years.
I know there are people who say I was selfish wanting something I liked but wearing the street hand me downs wasn't easy either. I did that too.
When I got that paper route at age nine no one bought me clothes. I bought my own and you can bet they were not red.
I went strictly cool blue. Period. Deep rich greens if I could get them. I needed those colours because my spirit shriveled in those warm reds.
Lately though, I've had a hankering for true red.
Maybe my inner me is telling my outer me to go dancing in red.
Here's todays treasure

Alice Edwards
Red Earrings
4" x 5"
oil on stretched canvas
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