30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 19
At the Barrie Art Club where I hangout several times a week I meet all kinds of interesting artists.
Occasionally, I can grab a really quick gestural sketch of someone. Fortunately, being artists, they take it all in stride.
A gesture is a very, often very fast, unposed sketch of someone doing something. You literally only have minutes sometimes just seconds to least get it in your mind. From there it goes onto the paper as fast as humanly possible.
We all gawk at everyone else's work when we get up to stretch our legs, moan about how things are going off the rails, talk about about well something's going (except when to do so might jinx things) or ask for a quick critique.
They are a great bunch. Very tolerant of my foibles.
Yesterday, I forgot my canvas again but in my defence I had been trying to be in sixteen places at once in the morning, then trying to be on time to do my volunteer stint. Ok, maybe not sixteen places but I was certainly running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.
Got handed a canvas and a slice of pizza then we all carried on.
So now, I'm in debt for two canvases to two different people and one piece of pizza.
Ah, the artist's life. Aint' it just grand
Here's todays treasure

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Joe Looking down at His Painting
13" x 16"
charcoal on Strathmore paper
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