30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 27
Funny the things that can trigger a memory.
I sat down at the easel to mind my own business today when it occurred to me that one way or another I'm been doing "arty things" for the past, well, my entire life really.
Dance skater, photographer, sculpting (I started that when I was 3 according to my mother. Apparently I was scary good). Always drawing, painting, making things with my hands
Then in grade 6 our teacher, Mr Gough, took us to the Art Gallery of Ontario. I'd never heard of the place. Art had no place in our house. He wanted us all to see the Vincent van Gogh show. I'd never heard of him either. And I thought it would old master stuff.
I didn't much like the old masters. I thought there was something wrong with me. I just didn't like their pictures. Somehow, I felt I should, but they were all dark brown to me.
Now, of course, I know a lousy reproduction when I see one but not back then. I've see a great deal of the real thing in the flesh since.
Miracle of miracles, my parents said yes.
Anyway. off we went to the AGO. I was so stunned by the inside of the building I wanted to go everywhere at once but Mr. Gough herded us like a good sheep dog.
"In here," he said. I was busy staring behind me trying to see everything. He gently took me by the shoulders and turned me around. There directly in front of me was
" Sunflowers"
Shocked, I just stood there, my mind being flooded with colour. I stood there forever or perhaps only a minute but to me I'm still standing there frozen at the sight before me. I could have stayed there forever. I did stay there forever. I'm still there.
He steered me over the "The Bedroom At Arles." I thought it looked all cockeyed but the colour!
I heard and saw the teacher pointing out the distortion in perspective but again I was slain by the colour.
I must have taken it in because I remember the things he said and it all makes sense now.
But back then, colour rocked me back on my heels right off my feet in my mind. It set me free. I've not come down to earth since.
I wonder what Mr Gough would say if he knew what he did for me that day?
If there's a place for good teachers I'm sure he's there.
Here's today's treasure:

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Red box
9" x 7"
oil on canvas covered board
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