Jan 31, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 31 Final Collage
Here is the Collage of all 30 Paintings in 30 Days for Jan 2016
All my treasures for the month of Jan
Alice Edwards 1949 --
30 Paintings in 30 Days
various media and supports
Sunday, 31 January 2016
Saturday, 30 January 2016
Day 30 - 30 Paintings in 30 Days
30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 30 - Not Forgotten
On November 11th, 2015 I attended the Remembrance Day Ceremonies in Alliston. I was incredibly moved then and I still am.
There were all kinds of todays’ military there, school children, and veterans of all ages and stripes.
Before the ceremony began a huge, Commemorative larger than life mural, commissioned by the local Royal Canadian Legion Alliston, Branch 171, painted by Greg Hindle and his artist wife, Susan Hindle, was unveiled by two Canadian Afghan veterans.
When the soldiers dropped the tarps there was a heart felt Ah... from everyone present, then a collective silence.
In that moment, and since I’ve thought about remembrance and art, because I realized painting, in particular, and art in general, touches the human heart of us in ways that can not be measured in dollars and cents.
There wasn’t anyone among who did not recognize that we saw and felt something so intimate, so personal yet collectively we felt as one.
That does not happen everyday.
After the ceremony proper was concluded, ( Alliston did her sons and daughters proud that day ) all the school children clamoured to have their pictures taken sitting front of the 158 painted poppies.

Those kids ran up and plunked themselves down wanting and demanding to be part of something bigger than themselves.
Art did that.

Here’s today’s treasure:
Alice Edwards 1949 --
Not forgotten
8” x 10”
Oil on stretched canvas
Friday, 29 January 2016
Day 29 - 30 Paintings in 30 days
Jan 29, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 29 - A Gentleman's Gentleman
Yesterday, after I left you, a painter friend dropped by and I discovered I had been saved by a miracle again.
I made us tea, curled up on the couch feet tucked under me. I felt good I'd posted. all was right with my world.
She asked me right out the blue how I'd cut myself like that?" pointing at the sole of my left foot. she said, " that must hurt."
"I haven't cut myself." I said. I could say that with a considerable degree of certainty because nothing hurt anywhere.
"There." She said pointing again at my foot. I looked and sure enough there was a nasty looking wound on the sole of my foot. Only it didn't hurt.
I looked again, realized that the carefully hoarded little piece of burnt sienna paint had fallen off my palette and I had stepped on it.
The miracle was I had walked all over the place to make tea, dump cherries in a bowl for a snack, gone into a back room, back into the livingroom, sat down, pulled my feet up and tucked them under me. Did all that.
And. There. Was. Not. A mark. Anywhere on the carpet.
The whole place is carpeted as you remember from Skip's palette adventure.
I'm calling it a miracle!
Here's today's
Alice Edwards 1949 --
A Gentleman's Gentleman
9" x 7"
oil on canvas board
30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 29 - A Gentleman's Gentleman
Yesterday, after I left you, a painter friend dropped by and I discovered I had been saved by a miracle again.
I made us tea, curled up on the couch feet tucked under me. I felt good I'd posted. all was right with my world.
She asked me right out the blue how I'd cut myself like that?" pointing at the sole of my left foot. she said, " that must hurt."
"I haven't cut myself." I said. I could say that with a considerable degree of certainty because nothing hurt anywhere.
"There." She said pointing again at my foot. I looked and sure enough there was a nasty looking wound on the sole of my foot. Only it didn't hurt.
I looked again, realized that the carefully hoarded little piece of burnt sienna paint had fallen off my palette and I had stepped on it.
The miracle was I had walked all over the place to make tea, dump cherries in a bowl for a snack, gone into a back room, back into the livingroom, sat down, pulled my feet up and tucked them under me. Did all that.
And. There. Was. Not. A mark. Anywhere on the carpet.
The whole place is carpeted as you remember from Skip's palette adventure.
I'm calling it a miracle!
Here's today's
Alice Edwards 1949 --
A Gentleman's Gentleman
9" x 7"
oil on canvas board
Thursday, 28 January 2016
Day 28, 30 Paintings on 30 Days
Jan 28, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 28
This inventing people has got to stop. I sit down with a small drawing of someone and arise with a painting of someone else. The small drawings are a jumping off point
The spirits are pushy some days. Days like this make me wonder just who is driving the paint brushes.
They aren't bad days. Just days where the question of who is in charge nags.
Take today. I have no idea where the red earrings came from but they had to go in. And not just any shade would do. Nothing but that glorious red.
When I was a kid my father told my mother to dress me in red so they could always pick me out of a crowd. It wasn't so bad in the cool true reds. They had a cool blue under tone. I felt pretty good in that.
But sometimes, they would go off the rails and I would wind up in warm reds that were yellow based
I didn't feel good in those shades but money didn't go on trees in our back yard. My mother being a frugal woman would buy it a size big.
Those were the years I couldn't grow fast enough to get out of those colours. Sometimes I had to wear them for what felt like forever. Maybe two plus years.
I know there are people who say I was selfish wanting something I liked but wearing the street hand me downs wasn't easy either. I did that too.
When I got that paper route at age nine no one bought me clothes. I bought my own and you can bet they were not red.
I went strictly cool blue. Period. Deep rich greens if I could get them. I needed those colours because my spirit shriveled in those warm reds.
Lately though, I've had a hankering for true red.
Maybe my inner me is telling my outer me to go dancing in red.
Here's todays treasure

Alice Edwards
Red Earrings
4" x 5"
oil on stretched canvas
30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 28
This inventing people has got to stop. I sit down with a small drawing of someone and arise with a painting of someone else. The small drawings are a jumping off point
The spirits are pushy some days. Days like this make me wonder just who is driving the paint brushes.
They aren't bad days. Just days where the question of who is in charge nags.
Take today. I have no idea where the red earrings came from but they had to go in. And not just any shade would do. Nothing but that glorious red.
When I was a kid my father told my mother to dress me in red so they could always pick me out of a crowd. It wasn't so bad in the cool true reds. They had a cool blue under tone. I felt pretty good in that.
But sometimes, they would go off the rails and I would wind up in warm reds that were yellow based
I didn't feel good in those shades but money didn't go on trees in our back yard. My mother being a frugal woman would buy it a size big.
Those were the years I couldn't grow fast enough to get out of those colours. Sometimes I had to wear them for what felt like forever. Maybe two plus years.
I know there are people who say I was selfish wanting something I liked but wearing the street hand me downs wasn't easy either. I did that too.
When I got that paper route at age nine no one bought me clothes. I bought my own and you can bet they were not red.
I went strictly cool blue. Period. Deep rich greens if I could get them. I needed those colours because my spirit shriveled in those warm reds.
Lately though, I've had a hankering for true red.
Maybe my inner me is telling my outer me to go dancing in red.
Here's todays treasure

Alice Edwards
Red Earrings
4" x 5"
oil on stretched canvas
Wednesday, 27 January 2016
Day 27 - 30 paintings in 30 Days
Jan 27, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 27
Funny the things that can trigger a memory.
I sat down at the easel to mind my own business today when it occurred to me that one way or another I'm been doing "arty things" for the past, well, my entire life really.
Dance skater, photographer, sculpting (I started that when I was 3 according to my mother. Apparently I was scary good). Always drawing, painting, making things with my hands
Then in grade 6 our teacher, Mr Gough, took us to the Art Gallery of Ontario. I'd never heard of the place. Art had no place in our house. He wanted us all to see the Vincent van Gogh show. I'd never heard of him either. And I thought it would old master stuff.
I didn't much like the old masters. I thought there was something wrong with me. I just didn't like their pictures. Somehow, I felt I should, but they were all dark brown to me.
Now, of course, I know a lousy reproduction when I see one but not back then. I've see a great deal of the real thing in the flesh since.
Miracle of miracles, my parents said yes.
Anyway. off we went to the AGO. I was so stunned by the inside of the building I wanted to go everywhere at once but Mr. Gough herded us like a good sheep dog.
"In here," he said. I was busy staring behind me trying to see everything. He gently took me by the shoulders and turned me around. There directly in front of me was
" Sunflowers"
Shocked, I just stood there, my mind being flooded with colour. I stood there forever or perhaps only a minute but to me I'm still standing there frozen at the sight before me. I could have stayed there forever. I did stay there forever. I'm still there.
He steered me over the "The Bedroom At Arles." I thought it looked all cockeyed but the colour!
I heard and saw the teacher pointing out the distortion in perspective but again I was slain by the colour.
I must have taken it in because I remember the things he said and it all makes sense now.
But back then, colour rocked me back on my heels right off my feet in my mind. It set me free. I've not come down to earth since.
I wonder what Mr Gough would say if he knew what he did for me that day?
If there's a place for good teachers I'm sure he's there.
And if he isn't, he should be. When I get there I'll look for him and tell him Thank You for opening the doors of my heart and mind. You made all the difference in my life.
Here's today's treasure:
Alice Edwards 1949 --
Red box
9" x 7"
oil on canvas covered board
30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 27
Funny the things that can trigger a memory.
I sat down at the easel to mind my own business today when it occurred to me that one way or another I'm been doing "arty things" for the past, well, my entire life really.
Dance skater, photographer, sculpting (I started that when I was 3 according to my mother. Apparently I was scary good). Always drawing, painting, making things with my hands
Then in grade 6 our teacher, Mr Gough, took us to the Art Gallery of Ontario. I'd never heard of the place. Art had no place in our house. He wanted us all to see the Vincent van Gogh show. I'd never heard of him either. And I thought it would old master stuff.
I didn't much like the old masters. I thought there was something wrong with me. I just didn't like their pictures. Somehow, I felt I should, but they were all dark brown to me.
Now, of course, I know a lousy reproduction when I see one but not back then. I've see a great deal of the real thing in the flesh since.
Miracle of miracles, my parents said yes.
Anyway. off we went to the AGO. I was so stunned by the inside of the building I wanted to go everywhere at once but Mr. Gough herded us like a good sheep dog.
"In here," he said. I was busy staring behind me trying to see everything. He gently took me by the shoulders and turned me around. There directly in front of me was
" Sunflowers"
Shocked, I just stood there, my mind being flooded with colour. I stood there forever or perhaps only a minute but to me I'm still standing there frozen at the sight before me. I could have stayed there forever. I did stay there forever. I'm still there.
He steered me over the "The Bedroom At Arles." I thought it looked all cockeyed but the colour!
I heard and saw the teacher pointing out the distortion in perspective but again I was slain by the colour.
I must have taken it in because I remember the things he said and it all makes sense now.
But back then, colour rocked me back on my heels right off my feet in my mind. It set me free. I've not come down to earth since.
I wonder what Mr Gough would say if he knew what he did for me that day?
If there's a place for good teachers I'm sure he's there.
Here's today's treasure:

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Red box
9" x 7"
oil on canvas covered board
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
Day 26 - 30 Paintings in 30 Days
Jan 26, 2016
30 Painting in 30 Days
Day 26
Sometimes you just like something or someone and you want to show the world.
So today's treasure is of one of my large, in process paintings. Something about this particular painting stirs my heart. I have worked on this over a longer period of time.
Yes, it is not finished but it will be.
I work on her a little every day because she deserves to come to life. I know where her home is going to be. I'll be able to visit. I thought you might like to meet her. Beside her is the little study which began it all.
When you enlarge a study things change. An artist friend told me she has become presence now. She has gravitas and I can feel that too.
I use the word "study" loosely because I created it and her from my imagination during a demo one hot July 1st Canada Day celebration at the local museum.
She's been with me through all of my moves and the various ups and down in my life lately. Still, as I work on her, changing this and that, I learn more about her and how she came into my mind that afternoon in front of 200 people.
Pretty soon now we'll part company and I wanted you to meet her and her red blanket.
Maybe before we part she'll whisper her spirit name to me
Today's Treasures:
Alice Edwards 1949 --
The Red Blanket
36" x 36"
oil on canvas
30 Painting in 30 Days
Day 26
Sometimes you just like something or someone and you want to show the world.
So today's treasure is of one of my large, in process paintings. Something about this particular painting stirs my heart. I have worked on this over a longer period of time.
Yes, it is not finished but it will be.
I work on her a little every day because she deserves to come to life. I know where her home is going to be. I'll be able to visit. I thought you might like to meet her. Beside her is the little study which began it all.
When you enlarge a study things change. An artist friend told me she has become presence now. She has gravitas and I can feel that too.
I use the word "study" loosely because I created it and her from my imagination during a demo one hot July 1st Canada Day celebration at the local museum.
She's been with me through all of my moves and the various ups and down in my life lately. Still, as I work on her, changing this and that, I learn more about her and how she came into my mind that afternoon in front of 200 people.
Pretty soon now we'll part company and I wanted you to meet her and her red blanket.
Maybe before we part she'll whisper her spirit name to me
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Alice Edwards 1949 -- Study Red Blanket 9 1'4" x 10 1/2" oil on birch |

The Red Blanket
36" x 36"
oil on canvas
Monday, 25 January 2016
Day 25 - 30 Paintings in 30 Days
Jan 25, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 days
Day 25
I don't know about you but I do like to see an artist's sketchbook. I particularly want to read the notes one writes to themselves.
All those little instructions you almost can't read or when you can, make no sense to anyone except their maker.
I have been fortunate enough to go backstage, so to speak, and in places, where the average artist doesn't get to to see or handle original art work of someone well known.
I got to do it with Arthur Schilling's work, and I got to do it with the Frederick Bantings' drawings. Up until that moment in my life I hadn't known Banting painted with the Group of Seven occasionally.
When I saw all the Banting drawings they were in the Alliston Library (Ontario) being prepped to be put on line for the whole world to see. Then they were to be moved moved to the Simcoe County Archives.
So there I was with the conservators.
I was given small pristine white cotton gloves to wear to keep the oil in in my skin from damaging the paper. A conservator sat right beside intently watching my every move so I didn't inadvertently do anything that might damage a drawing. He was a pleasant young man intent on doing things the right way, no, the safe way. He was pleasant, polite, kind, gentle and very knowledgeable about Banting's life and these drawings
I was almost afraid to breath. It was a very big deal my being allowed in the room. I remember how fascinated I was, and oh so careful. There were drawings of his travels in Europe right down to the Lombardy poplar trees and drawings from his travels in Algoma Ontaro with the boys.
That two hours has stayed fresh in my mind for about 18 years.
All those little notes that take a painter right back in time and place. To the weather, the smells. Every thing about a hand recorded scene is forever etched in the mind of the artist. Where they were, when the drawing was done, who they were with if anyone. Why that spot, or person.
All of it stays with you for life. Artists are time travelers.
I don't have a Schilling or a Banting to show you but I was in the Alliston Library the other day when I did this drawing. I just now realized I do the same little notes and things all over the sketchbook paper when I believe a painting may come of the drawing
So here are my visual/word notes from the New Tecumseh Public Library - Alliston Branch. (I got consent)
Alice Edwards 1949 --
my visual notes for "At the Computer"
5" x 6"
pen, ink and pencil on paper
30 Paintings in 30 days
Day 25
I don't know about you but I do like to see an artist's sketchbook. I particularly want to read the notes one writes to themselves.
All those little instructions you almost can't read or when you can, make no sense to anyone except their maker.
I have been fortunate enough to go backstage, so to speak, and in places, where the average artist doesn't get to to see or handle original art work of someone well known.
I got to do it with Arthur Schilling's work, and I got to do it with the Frederick Bantings' drawings. Up until that moment in my life I hadn't known Banting painted with the Group of Seven occasionally.
When I saw all the Banting drawings they were in the Alliston Library (Ontario) being prepped to be put on line for the whole world to see. Then they were to be moved moved to the Simcoe County Archives.
So there I was with the conservators.
I was given small pristine white cotton gloves to wear to keep the oil in in my skin from damaging the paper. A conservator sat right beside intently watching my every move so I didn't inadvertently do anything that might damage a drawing. He was a pleasant young man intent on doing things the right way, no, the safe way. He was pleasant, polite, kind, gentle and very knowledgeable about Banting's life and these drawings
I was almost afraid to breath. It was a very big deal my being allowed in the room. I remember how fascinated I was, and oh so careful. There were drawings of his travels in Europe right down to the Lombardy poplar trees and drawings from his travels in Algoma Ontaro with the boys.
That two hours has stayed fresh in my mind for about 18 years.
All those little notes that take a painter right back in time and place. To the weather, the smells. Every thing about a hand recorded scene is forever etched in the mind of the artist. Where they were, when the drawing was done, who they were with if anyone. Why that spot, or person.
All of it stays with you for life. Artists are time travelers.
I don't have a Schilling or a Banting to show you but I was in the Alliston Library the other day when I did this drawing. I just now realized I do the same little notes and things all over the sketchbook paper when I believe a painting may come of the drawing
So here are my visual/word notes from the New Tecumseh Public Library - Alliston Branch. (I got consent)

my visual notes for "At the Computer"
5" x 6"
pen, ink and pencil on paper
Sunday, 24 January 2016
Day 24 - 30 Paintings in 30 Days
Jan 24, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge
Day 24
One of the things I like to do is paint objects that have meaning for someone. Yesterday, when I was at my artist friends he set up several still lives to let me take my pick.
In this one there was the joy of glass for me, two pieces of his wife's pottery and his clear love for her.
I didn't tell him that of course but it's part of the peace of that studio.
I carried that peace away with me in my heart yesterday. It's part of my memory of the time spent in the glorious north light. It was a painter's dream.
Here's today's treasure

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Three Pieces
9" x 7"
oil on canvas covered board
30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge
Day 24
One of the things I like to do is paint objects that have meaning for someone. Yesterday, when I was at my artist friends he set up several still lives to let me take my pick.
In this one there was the joy of glass for me, two pieces of his wife's pottery and his clear love for her.
I didn't tell him that of course but it's part of the peace of that studio.
I carried that peace away with me in my heart yesterday. It's part of my memory of the time spent in the glorious north light. It was a painter's dream.
Here's today's treasure

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Three Pieces
9" x 7"
oil on canvas covered board
Six Days Left
Jan 24, 2016
Only 6 Days left - 30 paintings in 30 Days
It's hard to believe that today marks the beginning of the end of this particular 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge since there are only 6 days left.
Learning to use a limited pallet of only three colours plus white and a tad bit of black has become great fun.This time I used alizarin crimson, cadmium yellow pale, and french ultramarine as my blue.
The next 30 day experiment I will change to using a different version of each colour. We'll just see what colours will peek out this time.
I've learned how to pull out bright colours in this tonal palette. I'm quite pleased with that. This time around I can honestly say my playing with this limited palette has paid off handsomely.
I'm quite eager to see what the new month will bring.
Hope you'll stay with me for the ride,
Let's see what today brings
Only 6 Days left - 30 paintings in 30 Days
It's hard to believe that today marks the beginning of the end of this particular 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge since there are only 6 days left.
Learning to use a limited pallet of only three colours plus white and a tad bit of black has become great fun.This time I used alizarin crimson, cadmium yellow pale, and french ultramarine as my blue.
The next 30 day experiment I will change to using a different version of each colour. We'll just see what colours will peek out this time.
I've learned how to pull out bright colours in this tonal palette. I'm quite pleased with that. This time around I can honestly say my playing with this limited palette has paid off handsomely.
I'm quite eager to see what the new month will bring.
Hope you'll stay with me for the ride,
Let's see what today brings
Saturday, 23 January 2016
Day 23 30 Paintings in 30 Days
Jan 23, 2016
30 paintings in 30 Days
Day 23
I won a bicycle when I was nine years old. I won by getting the most subscriptions in our district for my Toronto Star paper route. You had to get five of them.
It was my Dad's idea. The paper route. He had to sign saying he'd be responsible because I was younger than most paper boys and I was a girl to boot.
I'd wanted a bicycle and the cash had to come from somewhere. So I wound up with a paper route. My dad helped me and encouraged me to go after the subscriptions if I wanted that bike.
And I did want that bike. My father wanted me to get it because it had three gears. I had no idea what that meant. But if Dad said jump I always asked how high. He said it would make it easier to pedal uphill.
Me? I wanted it because it was blue.
I did win the blue bike. I was so happy when they delivered it. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.
About three weeks after I got it, it was stolen right off our front porch. My mother called the police but ... well you know how that went.
I did go on to win other things quite regularly. My father said I could sell anybody anything.
But that blue bike ...
Eventually, I won another bike. This one was red. In my heart of hearts I wished someone would steal it. Nobody did.
Guess they didn't like red either.
Here's todays treasure
Alice Edwards 1949 --
The Red Bike
9" x 7"
oil on canvas covered board
30 paintings in 30 Days
Day 23
I won a bicycle when I was nine years old. I won by getting the most subscriptions in our district for my Toronto Star paper route. You had to get five of them.
It was my Dad's idea. The paper route. He had to sign saying he'd be responsible because I was younger than most paper boys and I was a girl to boot.
I'd wanted a bicycle and the cash had to come from somewhere. So I wound up with a paper route. My dad helped me and encouraged me to go after the subscriptions if I wanted that bike.
And I did want that bike. My father wanted me to get it because it had three gears. I had no idea what that meant. But if Dad said jump I always asked how high. He said it would make it easier to pedal uphill.
Me? I wanted it because it was blue.
I did win the blue bike. I was so happy when they delivered it. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.
About three weeks after I got it, it was stolen right off our front porch. My mother called the police but ... well you know how that went.
I did go on to win other things quite regularly. My father said I could sell anybody anything.
But that blue bike ...
Eventually, I won another bike. This one was red. In my heart of hearts I wished someone would steal it. Nobody did.
Guess they didn't like red either.
Here's todays treasure
Alice Edwards 1949 --
The Red Bike
9" x 7"
oil on canvas covered board
Studio Envy
Jan 23, 2016
Just came back form painting with friends in Bond Head, (that's in Ontario for those of you who don't live in the general area)
They are a great bunch and I most definitely will be going back there. Painters from whom I can learn a great deal.
But I AM suffering a severe case of "studio envy".
It's a beautiful custom built to personal design and of the artist and potter and quilter wife. I want it!
I'm not going to get it. That's for sure. But I want it.
I don't mean I want it in the causal sense of isn't that nice. and some day I'll get one. But I want it in the heart felt longing an artist has for the light. Beautiful clear even light no matter the weather.
Time to start buying lottery tickets.
Just came back form painting with friends in Bond Head, (that's in Ontario for those of you who don't live in the general area)
They are a great bunch and I most definitely will be going back there. Painters from whom I can learn a great deal.
But I AM suffering a severe case of "studio envy".
It's a beautiful custom built to personal design and of the artist and potter and quilter wife. I want it!
I'm not going to get it. That's for sure. But I want it.
I don't mean I want it in the causal sense of isn't that nice. and some day I'll get one. But I want it in the heart felt longing an artist has for the light. Beautiful clear even light no matter the weather.
Time to start buying lottery tickets.
Friday, 22 January 2016
Day 22 Big Spoon 30 Paintings in 30 Days
Jan 22, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 days
Day 22
Sometimes you are out and get a pleasant surprise. Often times when least expected. Today was one of those exceptional days.
I'm an honourable member of the Brown Bag Society affectionately called, the BBS by those of us in the know.
We are few, but very special.
We meet once a month and gain entry by flashing our brown bags. It's a code key. Things are good if you can read the code but not when you can't.
Some of you, like me, will immediately know that a brown bag was one those brown paper bags you took your school lunch in.
If you were rich you had a new bag every day. If you weren't, you were admonished to bring that bag home every day. A thrifty mom could make one bag go a long way.
Today my brown bag contained a hearty nourishing soup made by yours truly.
The pleasant surprise was how good company can add spice to even a bland soup. Before I knew it I was done. Sometimes you just need a big spoon to get every drop of intelligent conversation in the bowl in front of you.
Alice Edwards
Big Spoon
16" x 13"
charcoal on paper
30 Paintings in 30 days
Day 22
Sometimes you are out and get a pleasant surprise. Often times when least expected. Today was one of those exceptional days.
I'm an honourable member of the Brown Bag Society affectionately called, the BBS by those of us in the know.
We are few, but very special.
We meet once a month and gain entry by flashing our brown bags. It's a code key. Things are good if you can read the code but not when you can't.
Some of you, like me, will immediately know that a brown bag was one those brown paper bags you took your school lunch in.
If you were rich you had a new bag every day. If you weren't, you were admonished to bring that bag home every day. A thrifty mom could make one bag go a long way.
Today my brown bag contained a hearty nourishing soup made by yours truly.
The pleasant surprise was how good company can add spice to even a bland soup. Before I knew it I was done. Sometimes you just need a big spoon to get every drop of intelligent conversation in the bowl in front of you.
Today I needed a big spoon.
Here's today's treasure
Alice Edwards
Big Spoon
16" x 13"
charcoal on paper
Hither, Thither and Yon
Jan 22, 2016
Today I have been hither, thither and yon checking out a gallery, visiting with a client.
In short, I have been everywhere but in the studio, which is where I am headed now to do something for your viewing pleasure ...
Enjoy your dinner and I'll be back
Today I have been hither, thither and yon checking out a gallery, visiting with a client.
In short, I have been everywhere but in the studio, which is where I am headed now to do something for your viewing pleasure ...
Enjoy your dinner and I'll be back
Thursday, 21 January 2016
Day 21, Red White and Blue 30 paintings in 30 Days
Jan 21, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge
Day 21
Anybody remember those red, white and blue rubber balls we had as kids? You knew when you saw them in the Woolworth's store spring had arrived.
They turned up on the shelves with the marbles and cat's eyed aggies, skipping ropes, along the far side of the store with the hoola hoops. All the good stuff just turned up .
So did the guy who did Yo Yo demonstrations in front of the Loblaws about three quarters of a mile from where I lived. We just seemed to know when he'd be there.
In those days there were no tweets, or texts ot emails. Somethings you just knew.
We'd gather around the Yo Yo guy like he was a God. He Walked the Dog, took a turn Around the World, did a little spinning. Man he was good! He'd wave and leave.
We'd all rush in to lay down our hard earned allowances.
I often went for the Yo Yo's with diamonds on myself. All that glittered was good in my eyes. Every year I'd get a new one because who knew where the old one was?.
I always got a new red, white and blue too. When the paint flaked off a bit and it always did, then you picked at it until the red foamy rubber showed. When that happened it was all over.
That was spring, short and sweet.
Anybody got a red, white and blue I can play with?
Here's todays' treasure
Alice Edwards
Red white and Blue
9" x 7"
oil on canvas covered board
30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge
Day 21
Anybody remember those red, white and blue rubber balls we had as kids? You knew when you saw them in the Woolworth's store spring had arrived.
They turned up on the shelves with the marbles and cat's eyed aggies, skipping ropes, along the far side of the store with the hoola hoops. All the good stuff just turned up .
So did the guy who did Yo Yo demonstrations in front of the Loblaws about three quarters of a mile from where I lived. We just seemed to know when he'd be there.
In those days there were no tweets, or texts ot emails. Somethings you just knew.
We'd gather around the Yo Yo guy like he was a God. He Walked the Dog, took a turn Around the World, did a little spinning. Man he was good! He'd wave and leave.
We'd all rush in to lay down our hard earned allowances.
I often went for the Yo Yo's with diamonds on myself. All that glittered was good in my eyes. Every year I'd get a new one because who knew where the old one was?.
I always got a new red, white and blue too. When the paint flaked off a bit and it always did, then you picked at it until the red foamy rubber showed. When that happened it was all over.
That was spring, short and sweet.
Anybody got a red, white and blue I can play with?
Here's todays' treasure
Alice Edwards
Red white and Blue
9" x 7"
oil on canvas covered board
Wednesday, 20 January 2016
Day 20 30 Paintings in 30 Days
Glenn Fry R.I.P
Jan 20, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 20
The photography was all done in a whirlwind of equipment, heat and movement.
Merridith Edwards, came in, finished her coffee to give the lighting equipment time to warm up then got right down to business.
In minutes the lighting threw off so much heat I was sweating bullets as I ran around propping up paintings.
Had to open windows and crack the door. Merridith just smiled and said," Next."
All that heat in a small space made me think about some great musicians of our time. They stood, danced and rocked on under hot Klieg lights to bring us the sounds. The ones we grew up with, people like Glenn Fry, founding member of The Eagles who went on to a solo career.
How hot things things were on stage and off for that band. And, if I might say, how pregnant with sound and ideas that helped change a whole generation.
Make no mistake we were changed by the music we listened to. In part, I am who I am because of the big name bands of the late 60's, 70's and even the 80's.
How we loved them.
They lived life large and hard. Performers from that time were a revelation to us and to our folks.
What I do treasure about performers like Glenn Fry and those who have recently gone on to their next adventure, is the desire to explore ideas and to give birth to new ones. Although he was male he still helped to birth a generation.
So in his honour
Here is today's treasure
Alice Edwards
Bring Forth
12" x 16 1/2"
charcoal on Strathmore paper
Jan 20, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 20
The photography was all done in a whirlwind of equipment, heat and movement.
Merridith Edwards, came in, finished her coffee to give the lighting equipment time to warm up then got right down to business.
In minutes the lighting threw off so much heat I was sweating bullets as I ran around propping up paintings.
Had to open windows and crack the door. Merridith just smiled and said," Next."
All that heat in a small space made me think about some great musicians of our time. They stood, danced and rocked on under hot Klieg lights to bring us the sounds. The ones we grew up with, people like Glenn Fry, founding member of The Eagles who went on to a solo career.
How hot things things were on stage and off for that band. And, if I might say, how pregnant with sound and ideas that helped change a whole generation.
Make no mistake we were changed by the music we listened to. In part, I am who I am because of the big name bands of the late 60's, 70's and even the 80's.
How we loved them.
They lived life large and hard. Performers from that time were a revelation to us and to our folks.
What I do treasure about performers like Glenn Fry and those who have recently gone on to their next adventure, is the desire to explore ideas and to give birth to new ones. Although he was male he still helped to birth a generation.
So in his honour
Here is today's treasure
Alice Edwards
Bring Forth
12" x 16 1/2"
charcoal on Strathmore paper

ps I grabbed these snaps of
Merridith Edwards of
Little Raven Photography on fb or at
Little Raven Photography on fb or at
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
Day 19 30 Paintings in 30 Days
Jan 19, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 19
At the Barrie Art Club where I hangout several times a week I meet all kinds of interesting artists.
Occasionally, I can grab a really quick gestural sketch of someone. Fortunately, being artists, they take it all in stride.
A gesture is a very, often very fast, unposed sketch of someone doing something. You literally only have minutes sometimes just seconds to least get it in your mind. From there it goes onto the paper as fast as humanly possible.
We all gawk at everyone else's work when we get up to stretch our legs, moan about how things are going off the rails, talk about about well something's going (except when to do so might jinx things) or ask for a quick critique.
They are a great bunch. Very tolerant of my foibles.
Yesterday, I forgot my canvas again but in my defence I had been trying to be in sixteen places at once in the morning, then trying to be on time to do my volunteer stint. Ok, maybe not sixteen places but I was certainly running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.
Got handed a canvas and a slice of pizza then we all carried on.
So now, I'm in debt for two canvases to two different people and one piece of pizza.
Ah, the artist's life. Aint' it just grand
Here's todays treasure
Alice Edwards 1949 --
Joe Looking down at His Painting
13" x 16"
charcoal on Strathmore paper
30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 19
At the Barrie Art Club where I hangout several times a week I meet all kinds of interesting artists.
Occasionally, I can grab a really quick gestural sketch of someone. Fortunately, being artists, they take it all in stride.
A gesture is a very, often very fast, unposed sketch of someone doing something. You literally only have minutes sometimes just seconds to least get it in your mind. From there it goes onto the paper as fast as humanly possible.
We all gawk at everyone else's work when we get up to stretch our legs, moan about how things are going off the rails, talk about about well something's going (except when to do so might jinx things) or ask for a quick critique.
They are a great bunch. Very tolerant of my foibles.
Yesterday, I forgot my canvas again but in my defence I had been trying to be in sixteen places at once in the morning, then trying to be on time to do my volunteer stint. Ok, maybe not sixteen places but I was certainly running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.
Got handed a canvas and a slice of pizza then we all carried on.
So now, I'm in debt for two canvases to two different people and one piece of pizza.
Ah, the artist's life. Aint' it just grand
Here's todays treasure

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Joe Looking down at His Painting
13" x 16"
charcoal on Strathmore paper
Monday, 18 January 2016
Day 18 30 Paintngs in 30 Days
Jan 18, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 days Challenge
Day 18
In keeping with my theme ( People, Places and Things )
I have tried to keep the numbers evenly represented.
You know what I mean. Today a person, tomorrow a place and then the day after a thing.
I really have tried, but these people seem intent on taking over. As of today people will only be leading by one.
I am people painter. I like explore people's relationship with themselves, their relationship with others, and their relationships to the situations in which they find themselves. Guess that's why people are taking over.
Still everyone has been informed that they will have to wait their turn until I get this thing under control.
So today is a "Thing" done in water colour for a change of pace

Alice Edwards --
Ginger Jars
8" x 5 1/4"
water colour on paper/sketchbook
Sunday, 17 January 2016
Jan 17, 2016
Things are hopping here. I have been measuring, sawing, cutting, sanding and gluing.
Back in the late fall I began really looking at painting out of doors again. It's called Plein Air painting these days. Something I haven't done for more years than I will admit to publicly. I painted beautiful mental paintings everywhere I went.
I no longer had the equipment for it.
When I checked out prices on the net it was very much a case of "be still my heart". I thought to myself, there is nothing a bright intelligent woman can't do. So I told myself to get right to it!
Then added into the mix, I suddenly found myself painting everywhere, at friend's places, and dragging around a pile of supplies that choke a horse or something even bigger. And of course, no one lived next door. The next town yes, the next city, yes. Oh ... my aching back
Clearly something had to be done to save me from myself. I did a great deal of research on online.
I had the makings. A bit of this and a bit of that, Stuff that has been hanging around here forever. All I had to do was dig it out.
Spent one evening scraping of the heavily glued in plastic cigar holders off. Next evening, sanding things back down.
Yesterday off to Home Depot. I found a piece of thin non glare Plexiglas with the help of a woman artist (we’re everywhere you know) who works there part time.
Cutting it wasn't quite as simple as I was led to believe but I did it. Found some gray paper to stick under the glass to help visual tonal relationships.
Last night I took apart a box that had this lovely white plastic paint tube holder which will hold spare paint because I lost the daily medicine dose pill dispenser I bought for a dollar at the dollar store. I’ll probably get another one.
Today, I made the brush holders from velcro.
It’s tickety boo ... Small wet canvases can be carried in a pizza box hot glued to the lid for traveling, an idea I got from Leslie Saeta.
I’m really determined to to not cover this car in oil paint.
Total cost: $9.35 CAD
Saved: about $400.00 + USD after customs, taxes, shipping and handling, currency exchange etc
Saved: one back
And of course, I’m painting now ...
Things are hopping here. I have been measuring, sawing, cutting, sanding and gluing.
Back in the late fall I began really looking at painting out of doors again. It's called Plein Air painting these days. Something I haven't done for more years than I will admit to publicly. I painted beautiful mental paintings everywhere I went.
I no longer had the equipment for it.
When I checked out prices on the net it was very much a case of "be still my heart". I thought to myself, there is nothing a bright intelligent woman can't do. So I told myself to get right to it!
Then added into the mix, I suddenly found myself painting everywhere, at friend's places, and dragging around a pile of supplies that choke a horse or something even bigger. And of course, no one lived next door. The next town yes, the next city, yes. Oh ... my aching back
Clearly something had to be done to save me from myself. I did a great deal of research on online.
I remembered I had a long thinnish wooden cigar box with a handle somebody gave me years ago. At least I think it was a cigar box in it’s first life.
I had the makings. A bit of this and a bit of that, Stuff that has been hanging around here forever. All I had to do was dig it out.
Spent one evening scraping of the heavily glued in plastic cigar holders off. Next evening, sanding things back down.
Yesterday off to Home Depot. I found a piece of thin non glare Plexiglas with the help of a woman artist (we’re everywhere you know) who works there part time.

Cutting it wasn't quite as simple as I was led to believe but I did it. Found some gray paper to stick under the glass to help visual tonal relationships.
Last night I took apart a box that had this lovely white plastic paint tube holder which will hold spare paint because I lost the daily medicine dose pill dispenser I bought for a dollar at the dollar store. I’ll probably get another one.
Today, I made the brush holders from velcro.
It’s tickety boo ... Small wet canvases can be carried in a pizza box hot glued to the lid for traveling, an idea I got from Leslie Saeta.
I’m really determined to to not cover this car in oil paint.
Total cost: $9.35 CAD
Saved: about $400.00 + USD after customs, taxes, shipping and handling, currency exchange etc
Saved: one back
And of course, I’m painting now ...
Day 17 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge
Jan 17, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge
Day 17
Skippy nearly did it again.
Really the lady dogs around here ought to walk in the other direction. He gets beyond hysterical when one of the girls strolls by the front door.
This I time caught him, quite literally in the act. In mid air as it were. Glad I played first base in public school. Who knew it would stand me in such good stead all these years later?
Anyway, the boyo is in disgrace and has been sent to his room. He's doing a fine job of sulking. The canine tv stars have nothing on him.
The other day I told him to get a job and support in the style to which I could become accustomed. He ignored me.
I wonder if he could become a household word among canines?
Here is today's treasure
Alice Edwards 1949 --
8" x 6"
oil on canvas board
30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge
Day 17
Skippy nearly did it again.
Really the lady dogs around here ought to walk in the other direction. He gets beyond hysterical when one of the girls strolls by the front door.
This I time caught him, quite literally in the act. In mid air as it were. Glad I played first base in public school. Who knew it would stand me in such good stead all these years later?
Anyway, the boyo is in disgrace and has been sent to his room. He's doing a fine job of sulking. The canine tv stars have nothing on him.
The other day I told him to get a job and support in the style to which I could become accustomed. He ignored me.
I wonder if he could become a household word among canines?
Here is today's treasure
Alice Edwards 1949 --
8" x 6"
oil on canvas board
Saturday, 16 January 2016
RIP Alan Rickman Day 16 30 Paintngs in 30 Days
RIP Alan Rickman
Jan 16, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge
Day 16
It's been a funny day. I've been thinking about the special peole in the world. The ones who make us laugh, cry, dream and dare to test our wings. They are leaving us.
I sent off an entry form for an art show today then called an artist friend to cheer for me and do the happy dance because I almost missed the deadline. She was dripping wet fresh out of the shower but she did it.
Said she'd call right back after she died herself off and find out why she was cheering. She didn't even wait that long. She had to know.
Now that's a good friend.
Alan Rickman said, "He wished the world was a gentler place and that art was more robust." I do too. I feel like I lost a friend. One with a golden voice.
I trust he'll be remembered for more than being the man we loved to hate in Harry Potter. There was more to man than that. I feel it in my bones.
Anyone who said, he lurched through through life from one indecision to another is a pal of mine.
Anyway, in his honour, I'll try to make my art a little more robust. Once I figure out how.
I hope he liked boats. This one is for him to sail away to that gentler place
Here's today's treasure,
Alice Edwards 1949 --
Time to Dream
6" x 8"
oil canvas covered board
Jan 16, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge
Day 16
It's been a funny day. I've been thinking about the special peole in the world. The ones who make us laugh, cry, dream and dare to test our wings. They are leaving us.
I sent off an entry form for an art show today then called an artist friend to cheer for me and do the happy dance because I almost missed the deadline. She was dripping wet fresh out of the shower but she did it.
Said she'd call right back after she died herself off and find out why she was cheering. She didn't even wait that long. She had to know.
Now that's a good friend.
Alan Rickman said, "He wished the world was a gentler place and that art was more robust." I do too. I feel like I lost a friend. One with a golden voice.
I trust he'll be remembered for more than being the man we loved to hate in Harry Potter. There was more to man than that. I feel it in my bones.
Anyone who said, he lurched through through life from one indecision to another is a pal of mine.
Anyway, in his honour, I'll try to make my art a little more robust. Once I figure out how.
I hope he liked boats. This one is for him to sail away to that gentler place
Here's today's treasure,

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Time to Dream
6" x 8"
oil canvas covered board
Friday, 15 January 2016
Day 15 - 30 Paintings in 30 Days
Jan 15, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 15
Time for a change of pace. As I've said before, I don't go very far without a sketch book. Actually, I don't go anywhere without a sketchbook in the car and often a small one stuffed in my coat pocket too.
My old car had an assortment of dabs of various glorious colours of oil paint all over the inside and out. I wrecked many a fine jacket that way.
These days I'm mostly good and just take a Water Colour Thumb box with me. Often just a pen and a pad of paper and I'm in business.
I carry because you just never know what you're going to see. And it's a terrific way of fixing things in my mind so clearly I remember everything about what was going on around me years later.
Anyway, today is a new day. Time for a little pen and ink. I think.
Alice Edwards 1949 --
Chorus Line
6" x 5 1/2"
pen on paper
30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 15
Time for a change of pace. As I've said before, I don't go very far without a sketch book. Actually, I don't go anywhere without a sketchbook in the car and often a small one stuffed in my coat pocket too.
My old car had an assortment of dabs of various glorious colours of oil paint all over the inside and out. I wrecked many a fine jacket that way.
These days I'm mostly good and just take a Water Colour Thumb box with me. Often just a pen and a pad of paper and I'm in business.
I carry because you just never know what you're going to see. And it's a terrific way of fixing things in my mind so clearly I remember everything about what was going on around me years later.
Anyway, today is a new day. Time for a little pen and ink. I think.
Alice Edwards 1949 --
Chorus Line
6" x 5 1/2"
pen on paper
Thursday, 14 January 2016
Day 14 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge
Jan 14, 2014 - Ice
30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge
Day 14
One of my favourite places in the whole world is Georgina Island. I have friends there who make me feel right at home.
When I first began going there it was summer and my friend really wanted me to see the ice come in in winter and to see it crawl up over the island during spring break up.
I personally am not a fan of ice roads for obvious reasons. People have died on that road over the years. On the other hand I dearly loved my friend. We had such good fun together.
She's not here with us any longer but her influence was great in the native art world and she saw to it that many young people got a chance at a better life.
So in honour of Wanda Baa's desire for me to see the ice crawl in the spring
Here is todays' treasure.
Alice Edwards 1949 --
Georgina Island Dock: The Ice Crawl
8" x 10"
oil on canvas board
30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge
Day 14
One of my favourite places in the whole world is Georgina Island. I have friends there who make me feel right at home.
When I first began going there it was summer and my friend really wanted me to see the ice come in in winter and to see it crawl up over the island during spring break up.
I personally am not a fan of ice roads for obvious reasons. People have died on that road over the years. On the other hand I dearly loved my friend. We had such good fun together.
She's not here with us any longer but her influence was great in the native art world and she saw to it that many young people got a chance at a better life.
So in honour of Wanda Baa's desire for me to see the ice crawl in the spring
Here is todays' treasure.
Alice Edwards 1949 --
Georgina Island Dock: The Ice Crawl
8" x 10"
oil on canvas board
Several people have asked me on the QT where my inspiration comes from. Everywhere anywhere, and in any situation where I find myself.
For example my daughter was having cancer treatment in London, I drew and painted in the various waiting rooms. It helped to make things bearable in a situation where I was helpless to heal my child.
She's fine now and has children of her own, but painting saw me through that.
If you and I go for coffee, I have a pen and sketch book in hand. If we went to the library. Same thing. You invite me to dinner I sit in the kitchen drawing you while you peel potatoes unless of course I am roped in to help.
My friends know this about me and they still love me. I'm a lucky woman that way.
Since I have so many sketch books hanging around I thought I'd show you a few of them. I have years of reference photos too.
These days my phone camera makes a trusty notebook too. I get permission from people and away we go.
I don't work directly from any of it. It just goes inside me, percolates giving me ideas, memories and general information to draw on. ( oops, sorry about the pun)
Even in portrait commissions where I must sometimes use a photo/photos are mixed with interpretation.
Do I prefer to work from life. Yes.
Why? Because the indescribable collaboration between model/subject, animate or not and the painter produces something special. Something truly unique.
Anyway here are a few of the sketch books that live at my place. And Skips' ear. He's so nosey
Wednesday, 13 January 2016
Ancestral Voices
Jan 13, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge
Day 13 - Ancestral Voices
Jan 13, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge
Day 13 - Ancestral Voices
Often so many of us feel alone. We have lost connection with the earth, with ourselves, with our fellow man and with Creator.
It can a miserable feeling but if you listen closely you'll hear it.
You'll hear the voices of all your ancestors going back to the beginning of time. You'll hear the voice of the earth as she sings in her many songs. The song of the wind, the rain, thunder, birdsong, the dog barking down the street. Children laughing, playing, talking. All are signs of life.
All these sounds and more comfort me in the moments when I am uncertain what to do next, who to talk with, where to turn next.
It sounds easy but the whole trick is to get quiet inside. Not always so simple with all the noises of our mechanical and electronic lives not to mention other people.
But, when I can get quiet enough, I hear them. All of them
And those I cherish the most are the voices of the ancestors running though my veins, heart and mind.
Then, I know I am never alone.
Alice Edwards 1949 --
Never Alone
12" x 12"
oil on stretched canvas
the Sun is Glorious
Jan 13, 2016
The sun is shining making it a glorious day day in Angus. The snow is here.
Skip and I are currently snowed in. He loves rolling about in the snow. He looks like a walking four legged snowman.
Now is a good time to park myself in front of the easel to create the Day 13 painting, cya
The sun is shining making it a glorious day day in Angus. The snow is here.
Skip and I are currently snowed in. He loves rolling about in the snow. He looks like a walking four legged snowman.
Now is a good time to park myself in front of the easel to create the Day 13 painting, cya
Tuesday, 12 January 2016
RIP David Bowie Day 12 30 Paintings in 30 Days Major Tom
RIP David Bowie
Jan 12, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 days
Day 12
Sometimes I wander about in my mind. Some would even call it time traveling. Perhaps they're right.
It is a bit blustery outside my place at the moment. Not a lot, but enough to tell it's winter. I'd need a warm hat, mittens and maybe even a fortifying hot chocolate before putting one tootsie outside my front door.
Times like this I'm glad I have my pretend fireplace as I sit sipping my oh so hot chocolate. Then my mind slipped it's leash as it sometimes does and ...
I'm reminded of a hot bright early fall Saturday traveling back from painting at another artist's studio.
I went under a bridge much like this one.
The change from blinding bright light to the cool shadow under the bridge and almost immediately back into the light on the other side was both blinding, and astounding for a moment until I came back to earth.
I wonder if that's how it was for our friend Major Tom when he left us for another place two days ago.
I salute you David Bowie.
I trust you're waking them up there just like you did down here.
Alice Edwards 1949 --
Under the Bridge
10" x 8"
oil on canvas board
Jan 12, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 days
Day 12
Sometimes I wander about in my mind. Some would even call it time traveling. Perhaps they're right.
It is a bit blustery outside my place at the moment. Not a lot, but enough to tell it's winter. I'd need a warm hat, mittens and maybe even a fortifying hot chocolate before putting one tootsie outside my front door.
Times like this I'm glad I have my pretend fireplace as I sit sipping my oh so hot chocolate. Then my mind slipped it's leash as it sometimes does and ...
I'm reminded of a hot bright early fall Saturday traveling back from painting at another artist's studio.
I went under a bridge much like this one.
The change from blinding bright light to the cool shadow under the bridge and almost immediately back into the light on the other side was both blinding, and astounding for a moment until I came back to earth.
I wonder if that's how it was for our friend Major Tom when he left us for another place two days ago.
I salute you David Bowie.
I trust you're waking them up there just like you did down here.
Alice Edwards 1949 --
Under the Bridge
10" x 8"
oil on canvas board
Monday, 11 January 2016
Day 11 30 Paintings in 30 Days
Jan 11, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 days
Day 11
Who can believe January is disappearing around the corner so fast? It seems to me I just painted in the New Year.
Today I painted at the local club for artists in Barrie. There was a woman there doing some intuitive painting and clearly she was having a ball.
I loved watching her.
When we are around people who are doing what they love you catch fire the way a dry log does when laid in a bed of red hot coals. For a time it seems like nothing is happening.
Then poof! Flames burst forth and the warmth begins to spread.
By the time I'd talked a bit, answered the phone a few times (I was this afternoon's volunteer receptionist ) I was raring to begin.
Whipped out my gear, pawed through my gear, and discovered I had everything but ... the canvas. I knew where it was. I could see it laying on the table by the door.
Oh" no," I cried," I can't believe I forgot my canvas!"
I really couldn't believe it. I mean how could you forget the the thing you planned to paint on all afternoon. It's a staple for oil painting. I couldn't go home because I had a job to do.
The intuitive painting lady went out to her car, came back in with a canvas, propped it on in my easel. Then she went on her merry way without a backward glance.
Artist's are so kind ...
We'll eventually catch up with each other . When we do I'll prop a canvas on her easel.
So with the help of a new friend here is today's treasure
Alice Edwards 1949 --
Making Contact
12" x 16"
oil on stretched canvas
30 Paintings in 30 days
Day 11
Who can believe January is disappearing around the corner so fast? It seems to me I just painted in the New Year.
Today I painted at the local club for artists in Barrie. There was a woman there doing some intuitive painting and clearly she was having a ball.
I loved watching her.
When we are around people who are doing what they love you catch fire the way a dry log does when laid in a bed of red hot coals. For a time it seems like nothing is happening.
Then poof! Flames burst forth and the warmth begins to spread.
By the time I'd talked a bit, answered the phone a few times (I was this afternoon's volunteer receptionist ) I was raring to begin.
Whipped out my gear, pawed through my gear, and discovered I had everything but ... the canvas. I knew where it was. I could see it laying on the table by the door.
Oh" no," I cried," I can't believe I forgot my canvas!"
I really couldn't believe it. I mean how could you forget the the thing you planned to paint on all afternoon. It's a staple for oil painting. I couldn't go home because I had a job to do.
The intuitive painting lady went out to her car, came back in with a canvas, propped it on in my easel. Then she went on her merry way without a backward glance.
Artist's are so kind ...
We'll eventually catch up with each other . When we do I'll prop a canvas on her easel.
So with the help of a new friend here is today's treasure
Alice Edwards 1949 --
Making Contact
12" x 16"
oil on stretched canvas
Sunday, 10 January 2016
Day 10 30 Paintings in 30 Days
Jan 10, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 10
I generally paint in the afternoons but I have been painting this morning and I just looked at the clock. I have all kinds of daylight left.
It's a miracle!
Not one knock on the door. Not one phone call. Nothing. Zip. Nyet. Nada. As far as I know, the world is still out there.
The fine art of tonal painting using just three colours isn't so easy.This whole 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge is an experiment in using the Zorn palette for me.
This is the promise I made to myself before I started.
"I will learn about this limited palette. I'm not afraid to do my learning publicly, I can and will probably screw up ... but the experiment will not kill me. I will learn lots ."
Just three colours, red, yellow, blue, black and white. Black and white are not considered colours as such.
I really learned my lesson about white. You all remember the green guy? The day I left the tube of white at home?
In oil/acrylic/gouache painting using white is what gives light ie sunlight to the various colours.
I'll deserve a medal for this when all is said and done.
I must confess to sneaking into my own palette for a few hours. No doubt I will break out all the colours I own at some point but I'm trying to hold it together.
Only 20 days left in the challenge! The time is flying by.
Time out for tea, then it's back to the easel for me.
Please keep your fingers crossed for me I'm having a great time. You can find me at Alice the Artlady www.facebook.com/alicetheartlady
Alice Edwards 1949 --
The End of the Road
8" x 6"
oil on canvas board
30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 10
I generally paint in the afternoons but I have been painting this morning and I just looked at the clock. I have all kinds of daylight left.
It's a miracle!
Not one knock on the door. Not one phone call. Nothing. Zip. Nyet. Nada. As far as I know, the world is still out there.
The fine art of tonal painting using just three colours isn't so easy.This whole 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge is an experiment in using the Zorn palette for me.
This is the promise I made to myself before I started.
"I will learn about this limited palette. I'm not afraid to do my learning publicly, I can and will probably screw up ... but the experiment will not kill me. I will learn lots ."
Just three colours, red, yellow, blue, black and white. Black and white are not considered colours as such.
I really learned my lesson about white. You all remember the green guy? The day I left the tube of white at home?
In oil/acrylic/gouache painting using white is what gives light ie sunlight to the various colours.
I'll deserve a medal for this when all is said and done.
I must confess to sneaking into my own palette for a few hours. No doubt I will break out all the colours I own at some point but I'm trying to hold it together.
Only 20 days left in the challenge! The time is flying by.
Time out for tea, then it's back to the easel for me.
Please keep your fingers crossed for me I'm having a great time. You can find me at Alice the Artlady www.facebook.com/alicetheartlady
Alice Edwards 1949 --
The End of the Road
8" x 6"
oil on canvas board
Saturday, 9 January 2016
Day 9 30 Piantings in 30 days
Jan 9, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 9
When I want a fancy tea cup I use one. But not often.
Today I wanted one with a matching saucer. Couldn't find one complete set in the place.
I imagine when I had the last turn out and give away of everything I thought I no longer needed, the twin teacups and saucers I have dragged around with me forever had to go. Or else they developed feet and crept away saddened by lack of use.
Anyway I found one old tea cup in the back of one cupboard and after a serious search found a saucer under the sink. Don't ask why
I looked there because I don't know.
So mismatched but if I close one eye and squint with the other I can pretend it is Royal Dalton china and I'm the queen.
Some days you have to work with what you've got,
Here is todays' treasure
Alice Edwards 1949 --
10" x 8"
oil on stretched canvas
Friday, 8 January 2016
New day 6 Pic
Jan 8, 2016
I also said I'd post a better picture of the Day 6 Painting.
That was the day of me sitting on the palette fiasco. I still think the dog was laughing through his beard. And the day of no white paint
Alice Edwards
8" x 6"
oil on canvas board
I also said I'd post a better picture of the Day 6 Painting.
That was the day of me sitting on the palette fiasco. I still think the dog was laughing through his beard. And the day of no white paint
Alice Edwards
8" x 6"
oil on canvas board
New Day 1 Pic
Jan 8, 2016
I promised to put up a better pic of the Day 1 female head
She is still looking for a name. There have been a few suggestions but she hasn't decided. There is still time to get your favourite name on the list.
P.S. she went to the hairdresser's.
Alice Edwards 1949 --
!0" x 8"
oil on stretched canvas
Who Are We Talking With?
Jan 8, 2016
Sometimes I wonder just what it is that compels an artist to paint a particular person, place or thing and in a particular way?
Is it really all about the light? How it strikes an object? The subtleties of it's play of colour across a cheek or hand? How it is we are stirred to show others what we see or feel about something?
From the other side of the painting what is it that tugs on a viewers heart until tears fill the eye? Or reaches in on buried anger or shame. Or lifts the heart with joy, gladness and beauty? Others times a painting simply calms the troubled waters of our day.
Drawing and painting picture must be so incredibly important to us as a species and as individuals or we wouldn't have kept doing it in one way or another since the dawn of time.
Are we talking to ourselves or to each other?
Sometimes I wonder just what it is that compels an artist to paint a particular person, place or thing and in a particular way?
Is it really all about the light? How it strikes an object? The subtleties of it's play of colour across a cheek or hand? How it is we are stirred to show others what we see or feel about something?
From the other side of the painting what is it that tugs on a viewers heart until tears fill the eye? Or reaches in on buried anger or shame. Or lifts the heart with joy, gladness and beauty? Others times a painting simply calms the troubled waters of our day.
Drawing and painting picture must be so incredibly important to us as a species and as individuals or we wouldn't have kept doing it in one way or another since the dawn of time.
Are we talking to ourselves or to each other?
Day 8 30 Paintings in 30 Days
Jan 8, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 8
In keeping my theme today I recognized the People were taking over and Things had been left behind.
So today I resolved to even it up up. To honour that commitment and before I got carried way with people again I selected a thing.
It's an old Chinese tea caddy given to me years ago, by yes, an elderly Chinese gentleman whose name I'm sorry to say I could never pronounce correctly. He was a kind man and accepted that fact gracefully as he did everything in life.
Together we agreed I would call him Ray. Never once in the time I knew him did ever speak disrespectfully but always listened to my patter as though it was the source of great pearls which must be considered carefully and treasured.
It was from Ray I learned that all people were of equal value. He didn't talk much about that or anything else. He just listened and over time I learned by watching.
Thank you Ray
Here is today's treasure
Alice Edwards 1949 --
Tea Caddy with Blue Egg
10" x 8"
oil on stretched canvas
30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 8
In keeping my theme today I recognized the People were taking over and Things had been left behind.
So today I resolved to even it up up. To honour that commitment and before I got carried way with people again I selected a thing.
It's an old Chinese tea caddy given to me years ago, by yes, an elderly Chinese gentleman whose name I'm sorry to say I could never pronounce correctly. He was a kind man and accepted that fact gracefully as he did everything in life.
Together we agreed I would call him Ray. Never once in the time I knew him did ever speak disrespectfully but always listened to my patter as though it was the source of great pearls which must be considered carefully and treasured.
It was from Ray I learned that all people were of equal value. He didn't talk much about that or anything else. He just listened and over time I learned by watching.
Thank you Ray
Here is today's treasure
Alice Edwards 1949 --
Tea Caddy with Blue Egg
10" x 8"
oil on stretched canvas
People Places and Things
Jan 8, 2015
Made my decision about what to paint today. Whee! ... Here we go ...
My theme is People Places and Things. Anyone have anything they would like to see me to paint during The 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge Please put it in the comments. Thank you.
Nothing earth shattering has happened yet today.
Do you think I can stop holding my breath?
Made my decision about what to paint today. Whee! ... Here we go ...
My theme is People Places and Things. Anyone have anything they would like to see me to paint during The 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge Please put it in the comments. Thank you.
Nothing earth shattering has happened yet today.
Do you think I can stop holding my breath?
Thursday, 7 January 2016
Day 7 30 Paintings in 30 Days
Jan 7, 2016
Paintings in 30 Days Challenge
Day 7Things are looking up. Went to life drawing. Wow great male model. No drift ( for you non artists that means model remained stationary even in the long poses. Being a model is very hard work. A good one s worth their weight in gold ), lots of twists and turns and foreshortening. Oodles of good stuff.
Except for one teeny, tiny, issue.
I had pretty much everything there. I worked in charcoal today. Lovely stuff. You know I really cannot figure out why I didn't like it much before.
I used to have a friend who would say to me, "We grow you know Alice" whenever I expressed surprise about something I didn't care much for prior.
So, Maggie .... wherever you are now, above or below. I get it. Your well planted seed has taken root I hope you are feeling great glee and dancing rings around everyone there . Wherever there is.
Now. that was a little segue. A trip down memory lane ...I did leave my bifocals at home but I worked around it quite well if I do say so.
Left life drawing, finished my painting from this morning. I managed to get a photo before the beautiful overcast light was completely gone this afternoon. Skip has had his dinner and has forgiven me for leaving him home alone. He's curled up in my lap.

So ... Here's today's' treasure.
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Alice Edwards 1949 -- Waiting 10" x 8" oil on stretched canvasAdd caption |
Painting Furiously
Jan 7, 2016
I have been painting furiously this morning to finish the Day 6 painting so I would have a clear conscience but have to stop.
I'm off to life drawing studio for the afternoon. It only rolls around once a month and I hate to miss it.
Let's hope I get home in time to get a nice clear photo of Day 7 Painting for your viewing pleasure
but I'll need to finish it first.
Being in two places at once is awkward!
I have been painting furiously this morning to finish the Day 6 painting so I would have a clear conscience but have to stop.
I'm off to life drawing studio for the afternoon. It only rolls around once a month and I hate to miss it.
Let's hope I get home in time to get a nice clear photo of Day 7 Painting for your viewing pleasure
but I'll need to finish it first.
Being in two places at once is awkward!
Day 6 30 Paintings in 30 Days
Jan 6, 2016
30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge
Day 6
I can't blame the dog this time although I bet he is laughing behind his beard.
As you all know know yesterday he sat on my palette.
Today I did.
One perfectly good white pair of pyjama bottoms will be forever colourful. If you don't believe me I have the pictures to prove it.
I was trying to finish the painting just now and take a pic for you to look at.
I sat there in front of the easel thinking Hooray! The light is lousey, read very dark again. Time to quit. But I saw a small place that required maybe one more stroke of colour.
I looked all around me, on the floor, on the big planter ( I've been known to use that thing to hold stuff just for a minute), I talked to the dog in no uncertain terms. I simply couldn't see it anywhere. So,... I twisted around on the seat I'd been using.
It felt funny, slippery.
Found my palette.
My palette was just tucked under my little sit upon. Yep I had stood up, put it down to reach for the camera, sat down and the rest as they say is history.
My Bad!
Anyway here's todays' treasure

Alice Edwards 1949 --
8" x "
oil on canvas board
30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge
Day 6
I can't blame the dog this time although I bet he is laughing behind his beard.
As you all know know yesterday he sat on my palette.
Today I did.
One perfectly good white pair of pyjama bottoms will be forever colourful. If you don't believe me I have the pictures to prove it.
I was trying to finish the painting just now and take a pic for you to look at.
I sat there in front of the easel thinking Hooray! The light is lousey, read very dark again. Time to quit. But I saw a small place that required maybe one more stroke of colour.
I looked all around me, on the floor, on the big planter ( I've been known to use that thing to hold stuff just for a minute), I talked to the dog in no uncertain terms. I simply couldn't see it anywhere. So,... I twisted around on the seat I'd been using.
It felt funny, slippery.

My palette was just tucked under my little sit upon. Yep I had stood up, put it down to reach for the camera, sat down and the rest as they say is history.
My Bad!
Anyway here's todays' treasure

Alice Edwards 1949 --
8" x "
oil on canvas board
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