Wednesday 10 February 2016

Feb 9 - Patience in progress #1009

Feb 9, 2016

One of the things I've been thinking about today as Patience and I get reacquainted is how pictures of loved ones would have been made in her time.

Clearly, it would have been a painted portrait, perhaps a miniature, and only really available to those who had plentiful ready cash.

Photography as we know it, even in it's earliest forms, didn't come along until the mid 1800's and certainly wasn't readily available then.

Someone like Patience most likely wouldn't have had a likeness taken during the course of her life.

In my mind, Patience was an army wife following her English Grenadier soldier husband in the most trying circumstances in here in the new world.

I took a sepia tinted photograph to help me thnk of her as she might have been in those days as I work on her portrait. I do need to keep an old time mindset.

In actuality, she would have faced directly forward and perhaps had her head strapped tightly to the chair to keep her from moving
since an exposure took a long time. No wonder everyone looks so miserable in the Daguerreotype photos.

Keep in mind, the time in which Patience really lived, was close on to 100 years before Daguerreotype and sepia photos made their appearance. I thought you might like to see the results of my experiment.

Tomorrow I'll be doing the first lay in of her face and adjusting the background a little more.

We're talking now, you see, about what she wants and needs to look her best self.

Patience in process/progress
Feb 8/2016/Alice Edwards#1009

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