Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Day 31 30 Paintings in 30 Days Final Collage Jan 2017

final collage
Jan 2017
30 Paintings in 30 Days
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Day 31 - Final Collage - 30 Paintings in 30 Days

I regret to inform you. It's over! Done! Dusted.

The 30 Paintings in 30 Days for Jan 2017 is finished.

My next 30 Paintings in 30 Days will begin September 1, 2017

In the meantime, I will keep painting and posting of course.
I do hope you'll stay with me and watch what I'm get up to next and, there will be a next. There always is,


Monday, 30 January 2017

Day 30 30 Paintings in 30 Days Jsn 2017

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Day 30 - 30 Paintings in 30 Days

This is it!

Tomorrow the 30 Day Collage then I will resume my regularly scheduled painting and posting until September, when fool that I am I
Alice Edwards 1949 --
The World in a Toothbrush
7" x 5"
oil on canvas board
will do this all over again.

Wonder what will be my focus then?

I do seem to keep exploring, which in my not so very humble opinion, is what life is all about.

When I was a kid my father told me, " If I didn't learn something new everyday I was dead but I was too stupid to lie down."

I believed him and life has held amazing discoveries ever since.

I hope you'll keep painting, writing, drawing, singing, dancing, building things with your own two hands and exploring the world around you in some way that feeds your soul because I can promise you this, if you do your life will be so rich and rewarding you'll knock your own socks off...

In the meantime keep coming back here to see what I've been up to.

We'll have a blast,


Day 29 30 Piaintings in 30 Days

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Day 29 30 Paintings in 30 Days available

Coffee's played a big part in my life and the lives of my friends.
For a time I drank my coffee black strong and straight up. I was young and working hard to be cool, to be very grownup.

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Glass of Coffee
7" x 5"
oil on canvas board

I did have myself convinced I liked it or at least that's what I told people people who raised their eyebrows at the thought of black coffee.

 I drank alot of it for about a year then I threw in the towel and added cream. A lot of it, three or four of those little restaurant creamers.

Sometimes more when no was looking and sugar joined the cream pretty fast too!

These days I don't drink coffee except decaf occasionally with lots of cream with triple sugar and then It puts me to sleep. Seems a waste.

Saturday, 28 January 2017

Day 28 30 Paintings in 30 Days jan 2017

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Day 28 30 Paintings 30 Days

Really feeling the need for some sunshine today.
I've spent the entire day behind the easel or bent over a table transferring a 40" x 30" drawing. It all takes time and of course I have a creeping deadline.

Well, it was creeping, now it's been shot of out of a cannon straight at me. The reason I know this is simple. I got an email from the gallery saying words to this effect,

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Spring Time
7" x 5"
oil on canvas board
 " Looking forward to 

seeing the painting delivered on time and in good condition,) What that really means is dry enough to handle for hanging.

They were much more polite about it of course but it made me take a look at a calendar.

"Holy Toledo!" 

They are right and my, I thought "easy schedule" just flew straight out the window right behind the calendar.

So today I've been a very busy little beaver. With some hard work and some luck I just might make it.

Pray for me!
Here's todays treasure:

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Spring Time
7" x 5"
oil on canvas board

Friday, 27 January 2017

Day 27 30 Paintings in 30 Days

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Day 27  It's Round Up Time 2 30 Paintings in 30 Days

We're almost at the end of this Jan 2017 30 -30.

I'm both glad and sad ... It's been fun ... but I'm feeling the urge to stop playing and get serious.

I have deadlines of various kinds coming up ... so on Jan 30th will be the final collage of this month's madcap dash to the finish line.

Hope you'll stay with me to the end and beyond,


Day 26 30 Paintings in 30 Days jJn 2017

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Day 26 30 Paintings in 30 Days available

Pretending is how a child learns... Adults call it experimenting or trying it out ....What will happen if I ... (fill in your own blank) ...?

What will happen if I learn to lasso a lamp post?

Who'll laugh?

Who will tell the world what a fool I am for even
thinking about trying?

Who knows? There are plenty of wet blankets in the world. I've met a few in my life.

Most of them are too scared to even try it on for size in their minds never mind go for it.

Who will get mad? Someone who is too chicken to try. That'll be out of shame or envy. So they'll put you down. How sad for them. They don't know how to live.

But with a pencil or pen and a piece of paper, perhaps even a little paint you and I can explore the world maybe even the galaxy.

We're not scaredy pants but in the sanctuary of our minds and studios we can see how things could be for us.

Wanna go for it?

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Day 25 30 Paintings in 30 Days Jan 2017

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Day 25 30 Paintings in 30 days - available

The weather changes are making things strange around here.

I've noticed birds busy working at making little birdies. It's way too early for that. A number trees appear a tad confused too. I know the feeling.

 The January thaw should have come and gone by now. Around here it's been above zero for quite a few days off and on. Not high above zero but a darn sight balmier feeling than is Canadian this time of year.

Me? I like winter. A fact which has quite a few people convinced I'm crazy.

I don't' care. I like the snow crunching under my feet, and snowflakes drifting silently down onto my eyelashes.

The 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge is coming to an end and that'll be another change too. Perhaps the weather fits with that

 What will I do with myself for February?
Alice Edwards 1949 --
Floral Study
5" x 7"
oil on canvas board

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Day 24 30 Paintings in 30 Days jan 2107

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Day 24  30 paintings in 30 Days - available

Is it soup yet?

I remember watching the soup commercial where the kid is pestering his mother because he's hungry or maybe just plain obnoxious.

Today, I'm like that kid, demanding that my little painting be something it's not, a masterpiece.

Somedays you just can't do anything right but it's ok as Scarlet said, "I'l think about it tomorrow or maybe ... I'll just have a bonfire ...

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Candlelight Study
10" x 9 1/4"
oil on birch

Monday, 23 January 2017

Day 23 30 Paintings in 30 Days Jan 2017

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Alice Edwards 1949 --
My Sketchbook
Any size
but with me all the time!
  Day 23 30 Paintings in 30 days

My sketchbook is my private thinking and play ground.

Like all painters, artists,writers, sculptors, choreographers, poets, musicians and so on, all creatives have some kind of notebook to capture the ideas that fly so fast and furiously through our minds.

If we don't write/draw/notate those ideas down they can be gone in an instant and some times you just know you lost a really good one.

That's not a good feeling in my experience even though so many others try to take their place.

One elusive idea can drive me right round the twist without even trying. Sometimes even years later it'll float up on the periphery of my mind. Just like a cat will tease a dog. And dog like I chase that idea (my equivalent of chasing my tail) forever or may not quite that long but certainly long enough to stir things up.

So I draw, write paint, poetry, save quotes, snatches of overheard conversations that get me thinking about something or other in my sketchbook.

Without my sketchbook I'm a lost soul. It's where I keep track of my mind.

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Day 21 30 Paintings in 30 Days jan 2017

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Day 21 30 Paintings in 30 Days

What is it about light that calls to us? 
In the darkness we can see nothing period, zip, nyet, nada, nem and so on.

Doesn't matter what language you speak or what country you live in. The dark is dark.

We can't see.

And that, scares the living daylights out of us. It's why our ancestors huddled around fires and stuck close to each other. There's safety in numbers and in knowing you're not alone in the dark.

Any kind of dark, the night time, a bad dream or circumstances where a bad dream would be better is swept away by turning on a little light somehow, someway.

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Hot Chocolate 
9' X 7"
oil on canvas board

Sometimes it's enough to hit the light switch. Other times we need the light of love and friendship.

We need the sunlight to make vitamin D and to recharge our batteries.

We need the light. Lightness in mind, body and spirit.

So making sure I have a clear clean light source in my paintings is a reassuring feeling that the natural good order of things will assert itself in the end.

In the meantime I paint on!

How do you handle the dark?

Friday, 20 January 2017

Day 20 30 Paintings in 30 Days Jan 2017

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Day 20 30 Paintings in 30 Days

I've wanted to paint this little jug for about 15 years now and today's the day.

It's an interesting that the more intimately you know a subject, inanimate or otherwise it can become both easier and more difficult to paint.

The same thing seems to happen in my every day life
That's when I discover my expectations are the very things that are holding me back from being both the best painter and human being I can be.

I have to practise shaking those old ways of thinking off so better things can take their place.

Really got to get a handle on that ...

Here's todays treasure
Alice Edwards 1949 --
Jug and Bottle
10" x 7"
oil on canvas board

Day 19 30 Paintings in 30 Days Jan 2017

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Day 19 30 Paintings in 30 Days

Burning the Midnight Oil ... 

I've never understood how people can make that Rubix Cube work.

Today ,I was given a little one about an inch by an inch by a friend at BBS. I'd noticed something I thought was a Rubix Cube key chain. It was just peeking out of a small jug up on a shelf. So I innocently asked my friend if that's what it was.

She reached up. Got the thing down and handed it to me.

I was hooked immediately.

Alice Edwards 1944 --
Burning the Midnight Oil
10" x 8"
oil on canvas board

First off I'd never seen a little one before. I've only ever seent the standard one. Pretty soon I was fiddling with it all the while talking about how I'd never been able to make the thing work into all its component colours.

 Never once in all the years I've tried it. You'd think this smaller size would improve my chances

My friend just smiled at me gently then explained how it was and what kind of mind which was required to solve the thing.

Now, I know, I don't have that kind of mind but I couldn't help myself.

My friend just smiled at me even more gently with sparkling eyes as she watched me do the same things over and over again, then calmly looked me right in the eye and said, "Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result was insanity."

That would be Einstein she was quoting. I knew that much so clearly my mind is good for something unfortunately not for the whole Rubix Cube

.Somethings never change.

She sent the cursed thing home with me. I do believe it's a dastardly plot to drive me straight out of my mind and the sad thing is it's working.

Did I mention she's a friend of mine? Hrumpf...

Here's todays little treasure
Alice Edwards 1944 --
Burning the Midnight Oil
10" x 8"
oil on canvasboard

Day 18 30 Paintings in 30 Days Jan 2017

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It's Jan 18th - time for a Flash Dance through the past 8 Days 
I'm drinking hot chocolate while I look at these.
What are you doing?

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Day 17 30 Paintings in 30 Days Jan 2017

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Day 17 30 Paintings in 30 Days Jan 2017

We gotta talk tools ...

All the good will in the world doesn't cut the mustard when you need the right brush or have dropped your palette knife for the 1000th time yesterday and now you can't find it.

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Open Book
10" x 8 "
oil on covered board

So taking the time to make sure you have everything handy is so so so worth it.
so the handy dandy check list comes into play,

so brushes yes , water if your medium requires it changing it often too will keep your brushes clean

mineral spirits/mediums for oils traditional or miscible oils

palette knife, 

palette, disposable or permanent

rags, paper towels

garbage bag

apron/shirt to save your clothes

drop cloth maybe?

paints, chose your poison

sitting or standing? prep for you favourite

Peace and quiet! did you turn off your phone, computer, send the kids to the neighbours.

Let the dog out so he doesn't come begging for

Take breaks often

From here on in you make your own list to suit yourself. No point in having to hop up and down every two minutes because you can't find or forgot to get it out.

Day 16 30 Paintings in 30 Days Jan 2017

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Day 16 30 Paintings in 30 Days

Some days it just doesn't pay to get up ...  

Alice Edwards 1949 —
Building Blocks
5” x 7”
oil on canvas board
on the other hand you just never know when the day going to turn around into something very special.

So really it does pay to show up otherwise you could miss something good

Monday, 16 January 2017

Day 15 30 Paintings in 30 Days Jan 2017

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Day 15 - 30 Paintings in 30 Days
We have reached the half way point

 Can you believe it?

It's been fun, a tad hectic but fun. These little painting tidbits are just a sample of waits for you playing with paint or a pencil.

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Study of an Earring
"10" x 8"
oil on stretched canvas

Each gives you a fresh pair of eyes to rediscover the wonder of our world and many ways to let go and begin your life anew.

Feel like slinging some paint around?

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Day 14 30 Paintings in 30 Days

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Day 14 - 30 Paintings in 30 Days

Occasionally time is the enemy. Only so many hours in a day and today does quite have enough

Company is here. I'll talk to you tomorrow

here is todays treasure      

Alice Edwards 1944 --
Blue Bowl
7" x 5
oil on canvas board

Friday, 13 January 2017

Day 13 30 Paintings in 30 Days Jan 2017

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Day 13 - 30 Paintings in 30 Days

Friday the 13th is my lucky day ... good things always happen for me.

Perhaps I'm a backwards person but it's alway been a lucky charm. I think it a lack of fear mixed with desire and voila. Good things happen .

Take today, last week I bought a new drafting table. It was way to heavy for me to assemble on my own as I found out to my chagrin. I was lucky to gt it out of the car and into the house. fortunately with the aid of a trusty little portable hand truck I managed, bought for me last year as a gift on you guessed it a Friday the 13 th.. Been such a life saver so many times this little gizmo.

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Hat and White Cloth
7" x 5"
oil on canvas board

Anyway as I was saying I knew I'd have to have help. I called my very busy son who said he had a day off on Friday .would that work? "It most certainly would" I said with great outward calm since Friday would be the 13th.

So today I had a visit with one of my favourite people my son. He got some very good news while he was here. The drafting table is ready. I painted afterwards. Woohoo! And, I got to make a video for you.

A good day all round and there's even loads of time to watch the boob tube if I wanna.

Day 12 30 Paintings in 30 Days Jan 2027

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Day 12 - 30 Paintings in 30 Days
A day in the studio

It's icy everywhere today but I bravely toddled off to the studio anyway. Did the penguin walk so as not to wind up on my keister. It's so undignified when that happens.

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Study Abandoned Tubes of Paint
5" x 7"
oil on canvas board

Watered the plants, worked on the final drawing for this year's entry in the International Women's Day Show. Although there's lots of time I paint in oils and they can take awhile to set up.

Gallerists frown mightily at wet paint on their clothes when hanging a show. So there's no brownie points for wet paint.

Had lunch with a friend, had a visitor come in.

I need to paint todays' painting done. Then go home and put together the slide show.

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Study Abandoned Tubes of Paint
5" x 7"
oil on canvas board

Egads! I just realized that the delivery date for something else is in 13 days!

I gotta a get a move on here

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Study Abandoned Tubes of Paint
5" x 7"
oil on canvas board

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Day 11 30 Paintings in 30 Days Jan 2017

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Day 11 30 Paintings in 30 Days

Lost the light got a bad photo.  I really cannot be trusted around new toys. All these bells and whistles have gone straight to my head.

 I'll post a good shot tomorrow in the meantime enjoy the show.
  Here's todays Treasure
Alice Edwards 1949 --Sweetness
10" x 8"
oil on canvas board



Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Day 10 30 Paintings in 30 days

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Day 10 30 Paintings in 30 Days Jan 2017

Some days it's all about slinging paint around for the fun of it.

 Alice Edwards 1949 --
The Loner
8" x 6"
oil on canvas boardc
Days like that are for invention pure or otherwise. Imagination running amok covered with colours. 
Days without turning it all into a job of work but playtime pure and simple. So today I invented a tree just for the h*** of it.

My only concession to reality today is snow because I love it and there's a lot of it falling from the sky at the moment. I'm cool with that.

So did ya sling any paint about with great abandon today?

I did.

Reminder 30 Paintings in 30 Days

It's Jan 10th -- we are already one third through
30 Paintings in 30 Days in Jan

Remember to Reserve your Painting NOW!

email me: artlady1921@outlook.com

Day 9 30 Paintings in 30 days Jan 2017

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Day 9 30 Paintings in 30 Days - available pm me

Teddy bears are sacred. Most kids have one of some kind or other. Some adults sleep with one or keep them in plain sight in the bedroom feeling just a little safer knowing 'Teddy' (or fill in the Blank) is still watching over them.

The comfort offered by these creatures, (which sometimes doesn't actually look much like a bear anymore, that's when they are in disguise you see) is universal.

Alice Edwards 1949 --
8" x 6"
oil on canvas board
Most times when a new baby comes into the world the first gift is a teddy bear.

Some people collect them, There are whole teddy bear communities out there and some very serious collectors. There are shows too. 

There's a teddy bear, exactly the right teddy bear, for everyone out there somewhere.

When I was a little girl I was given a record of ''The Teddy Bear's Picnic'. I loved that song. I still know all the words, " If you go... " I can heard the song in my mind as I type these words.

I didn't have a teddy bear I had other things but my daughter got me one. So did my son. I still have them both.

When I go see a brand new baby you better believe I bring one as my first offering to the new life that baby is, has and represents.

Do you know where your Teddy Bear is?

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Day 8 30 Paintings in 30 Days Jan 2017

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Day 8 30 Paintings in 30 Days

A good book is my great escape. Always has been. I've read a lot of books in my time both good and bad.

The truth is I'm a word junkie. In moments of desperation I've read the labels on cans and bottles.

Just words anywhere anytime pretty much but in a good book with a terrific story is as good as it gets. In fact better than most vacations I've been on.

AAlice Edwards --1949
A Good Book
8" x 6"

oil on canvas board

Books have helped me keep my mind when my world turns up side down. They've kept me company in times of loneliness and sorrow.

Books have educated me about the world I Iive in. The world that surrounds me has endless mysteries and stories, both plant and animal, human or stone.

People who like to read are intensely interested in life and are innately curious about everything.

So give us a good book that covers all the bases and we won't come out into this world until we understand the one between the book covers we're holding in our hands.

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Day 7 30 Paintings in 30 days

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Day 7 30 Paintings in 30 Days Jan 2017

My Camera is My Friend

I've come to depend on my nifty trusty phone camera as a handy dandy pocket sized tool for my painting trade.

In the good old days you held the painting up to a mirror to see it things were working together well.

You did it to break the mindset that had you married to doing things a certain way, as though that was the only way which is a kind of blindness for a painter.

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Time for Tea
5" x 7"
oil on canvas board

You did it to rest your mind and to get a fresh take on the blankety blank painting. You did it help catch flaws in design, composition colour, values. You did it to find the problem areas and so on.

Occasionally, if the Painting Gods were in your corner you could see the good things too.

That last is a really tough thing for an artist. We're notoriously hard on ourselves and our work.

You're always looking to fix things and you can wind up fixing the thing to death. I know because I've done it. We all have especially in the beginning of our learning curve for painting and drawing.

So where does the camera come into things?

When I photograph a painting and it's reduced to phone size. I immediately see if it works, if it reads well. I see the oddities in composition, design, colour, value and various size relationships. Things jump right out at me.

Then I have it, the HaHa moment, right before my very eyes.

When I know what the problem is I can do something about and it'll all look better.

Saves me a lot of angst.

Friday, 6 January 2017

Day 6 30 Paintings in 30 Days Jan 2017

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Day 6  30 Paintings in 30 Days Jan 2016
Studio life can involve a great deal of imagination. Or more accurately imagination can save the day. My day at least.

I innocently got busy setting up a still life. That seems to be my thing the past few days. Found a wine glass I liked, found something smoothish for the background in a basic very dark burgundy I knew would be easy to adjust if the painting called for it.

Chased the dog off my drawing chair. He was looking mightily offended when he left the room but sacrifices must be made for art. (I'm just glad it wasn't me making the sacrifice today)

Sat down thinking I might do a few thumbnails ( tiny drawings where the painter makes decisions about he painting before beginning to paint ) for a change when I realized I'd left the grapes at the store.

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Study: Glass and Grape
8" x 6"
oil on canvas board

This is where imagination saved me mixed with some painting experience.

No grapes. Wanted grapes to go with the wineglass. So ... I drew a a few thumbnails putting grapes and other glasses where I thought I might like them.

Decided on simplicity. I didn't want to go back to the store. It was getting too cold out there for this puppy. So.... I picked the thumbnail I liked and proceeded to invent a grape..

After all this series of painting exercises are not just about a studio habit it's about experimenting.

So in the end I experimented. I'm not utterly satisfied or completely dissatisfied.

But I learned something today about a truism I've heard all my life.
Necessity IS the mother of invention.

Hope you're having a good time painting!

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Day 5 30 Paintings in 30 days Jan 2017

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Day 5  30 Paintings in 30 Days Jan 2107

Imperfect vegetables are taking over our   country.

All my life I can only remember perfectly rounded green peppers, straight carrots and non lumpy this or that in the vegetable bins at the grocery store.

Not only that, the powers that be had certainly made it known to our Mother the Earth that only perfect would do. Of course, this is only clear now.

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Wonky Veggies
8" x 6"
oil on canvas board

Those of us who grew up with vegetables growing in our home gardens knew it 't'warn't so'.

But eventually, we bought in to that idea only to discover lately imperfect vegetables have been plotting all along to push those 'hoity toity 'perfect vegetables out of the stores and off our dinner plates.

Who knew vegetables had a mind of their own? Anyone who has ever watched Mother Earth grow things knows that.

In the end, vegetables, fruits and the grasses and trees will take back the earth and keep it green and growing unless we mend our ways.

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Day 4 30 Paiantings in 30 Days Jan 2017

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Day 4  30 Paintings in 30 Days  Jan 4 2017

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Yellow Onions
7" x 5"
oil on canvas board

DISASTER! At least once in every set of 30 Paintings in 30 Days, how shall I put this? Things go off the rails.

Last year I sat on my palette so did Skip. This year things took a different turn.

First off, this little painting has been dropped on its face five times. Each time in a attempt to fix it it went from bad to worse. It no longer in anyway, shape or form resembles the two onions it started out to be. And actually they looked quite good until the first nose dive.

By repair number five I was out of touch and out of light.

Having decided the Painting Gods were trying to tell me something I sat down to upload the slideshow only to discover I had erased it all from my phone.

I gave that up as a bad job, then spent an hour crawling around on the floor looking for two missing paint tube caps. Of course, none of the spares I keep in the bottom of my paint box for these little problems fit.

The atrocious price of paint is what kept me on my knees looking because of course these were two, count 'em two, Brand New just opened tubes of paint, the expensive kind.

And to make matters worse I appear to have a lump of very strong violet about my person somewhere.

Everything I touch is covered in purple goo including my laptop as is the carpet, which I still have to clean from the various nose dives that painting took.

I posted the painting, such as it, is to remind myself and others that the 30 Paintings in 30 Days is not about perfect paintings but about developing a good solid studio habit period.

Sooo... how did your day go?

todays treasure

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Day 3 30 Paintings in 30 Days Jan 2017

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Day 3 30 paintings in 30 Days Jan 2017

Things happen in kitchens. Dinner is prepped then served, eaten and of course, there's doing the dishes. There are always dirty dishes but someone, somewhere, sometime decided to save mom's hands and invented rubber gloves.

There are a lot of yellow ones around. I've just done a bunch of dishes. So yellow in a variety of various shades is on my mind tonight.

 Here's todays Treasure:

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Kitchen Life: Study #1
7" x 5"
oil on canvas board

I transferred my quick sketch using conte and a pen and started blocking things in.

It went fairly quickly with only two interruptions for a change.

I going to kick back now and discuss the price on pecans in Peking, oops Beijing (Geography is not my strong suit these days) with Skip who simply wants his ears scratched and is willing to listen to me in order get what he wants.

A good book I think along with some hot chocolate and I'm good to go. 

                                             Night all,

Monday, 2 January 2017

Day 2 30 Paintings in 30 Days Jan 2017

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Day 2,  30 Paintings in 30 days Jan 2, 2017

Light and Shadow

I thought I'd share more about building a painting using yesterdays' method. This traditional way to work up a painting has been around for hundreds of years. 

Here's Todays Treasure:
Alice Edwards 1949 --
Light and Shadow, A Study
5" x 7"
oil on canvas board
I'm out to develop a light and shadow pattern through underpainting  that gives form and dimension to any object. I'll use this set of principles as an exercise in creating form through light, shadow and cast shadow using only two colours.

Today burnt sienna and burnt umber plus a very, very tiny bit of white own the day and in the end will create an optical illusion of pale violet blue.

And just for fun I'll even answer questions, 


Sunday, 1 January 2017

Day 1 30 Paintings in 30 Days Jan 2017

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REMINDER : reserve your spot for First Come First Choice - pm me

 Day 1, 30 Paintings in 30 Days - Jan 2017

Today, I thought I'd show you something about the process I often, but not always, use.

Painting in the middle of the night to bring in the New Year brought me this little piece.

 Here's today's treasure
Alice Edwards 1949 --
Lemons and Jug
8" x 6"
oil on canvas board

Here's an interesting fact. Setting up a still life can take more time then the actual painting. You try it this way, then that way. You add things in. You take things out. It could take hours or even days if you're really thinking it through. Often you wind up back where you started.

You need to think about light and shadow, composition, format, colour, values etc (not that order mind you). Time can be the biggest factor in the look of the thing. Any of these can make you or break you.

There are times you wind up with a dud.

It happens.generally from not thinking it through simply by jumping into painting for the sheer feel of it.

We've all done it.

Sometimes a masterpiece, Ah ... Sometimes you get something special. 

First Come --- Frst Choice Dec 17, 2016 30 Paintings 30 Days

 Dec 27, 2016

The countdown Continues

Feel free to share : Beginning Jan 1...,
I will be doing 30 Paintings in 30 Days in varying sizes and mediums, approx: 8" X 6" , 9" x 7 , 8" x 10".
@ 60.00$ each ... PU is free ... Shipping extra
It's ... First come .. First choice . See Sample paintings below ...
Reserve your spot Now! ... PM me





30 Paintings in 30 Days Dec 29, Available

feel free to share - 2017  -  30 Paintings in 30 Days

Dec 29, 2016  available pm me

We're almost at the wire for 30 Paintings in 30 Days

 but in the meantime here's a tasty little morsel that glows in sunlight...

Alice Edwards 1949 —
Mismatched (available)
9” x 7”
oil on stretched canvas