Monday, 11 January 2016

Day 11 30 Paintings in 30 Days

Jan 11, 2016

30 Paintings in 30 days

Day 11

Who can believe January is disappearing around the corner so fast? It seems to me I just painted in the New Year.

Today I painted at the local club for artists in Barrie. There was a woman there doing some intuitive painting and clearly she was having a ball.

I loved watching her.

When we are around people who are doing what they love you catch fire the way a dry log does when laid in a bed of red hot coals. For a time it seems like nothing is happening.

Then poof! Flames burst forth and the warmth begins to spread.
By the time I'd talked a bit, answered the phone a few times (I was this afternoon's volunteer receptionist ) I was raring to begin.

Whipped out my gear, pawed through my gear, and discovered I had everything but ... the canvas. I knew where it was. I could see it laying on the table by the door.

Oh" no," I cried," I can't believe I forgot my canvas!"
I really couldn't believe it. I mean how could you forget the the thing you planned to paint on all afternoon. It's a staple for oil painting. I couldn't go home because I had a job to do.

The intuitive painting lady went out to her car, came back in with a canvas, propped it on in my easel. Then she went on her merry way without a backward glance.

Artist's are so kind ...

We'll eventually catch up with each other . When we do I'll prop a canvas on her easel.

So with the help of a new friend here is today's treasure

Alice Edwards 1949 --
Making Contact
12" x 16"
oil on stretched canvas

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